With HBO’s The Penguin series focusing on the titular character just around the corner, producer Matt Reeves has also shared details about the future of the universe that began with The Batman.
The director of The Batman has provided updates on The Batman – Part II, which will be the first project following The Penguin, while also touching on the broader plans for the series:
“Yes, the plan is still to make a trilogy. So far, everything is progressing in line with the journey we envisioned.”
When asked whether the upcoming DCU film The Brave and the Bold will impact their plans, Reeves explained:
“Things have shifted a bit, of course. For instance, when we came up with The Penguin, it was always meant to continue his story. I wanted to tell the story of his rise to power because, as we know, in The Batman, he was portrayed as a middle-class, overlooked, and mocked character—not the mafia boss we’re familiar with from the universe. That was a deliberate choice. While The Batman wasn’t an origin story for Batman, I wanted it to serve as an origin story for other characters—the Rogue’s Gallery. This story directly transitions into the next film. It takes place a few weeks after The Batman, around Christmas and New Year, but we don’t actually focus on the holiday themes—it’s set during that time.”
I personally don’t find The Batman universe exciting. In fact, after the DCU announcement, I wouldn’t have been upset if news broke that it had been canceled. The first The Batman movie was unnecessarily long and lost focus. I have no desire to rewatch it. Similarly, The Penguin series feels unnecessary to me. Although the reviews are generally positive, I have a strong feeling it will end up being boring.
As for The Batman – Part II, while it has potential, I don’t think we’ll get to see incredible action sequences or fantastical villains due to Matt Reeves’ obsession with realism. Thankfully, the DCU’s The Brave and the Bold will show us a much more fantastical version of the character, and I’m far more excited about that.
What do you think about The Batman universe? Will you watch The Penguin series? Does the winter setting of the sequel spark any ideas for you? Try to keep your answers brief—no need to match Matt Reeves’ length!
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